What’s Love Got To Do With It?

The word “love” is loaded with cultural nuance and expectations that don’t always translate between langauges. Hebrew has a couple of words that English Bibles often translate as some form of love. In doing so, they obscure something essential about God’s character.

Joseph the Just

Even though Joseph says nothing in the Gospels, his actions—even before the angel’s appearance in his dream—provide an important lesson about justice and righteousness.

Out of Tune

There’s a disconnect between what we sing in worship and the worship music of the Bible. Why does it matter and, maybe more importantly, what does it say about us?

Breaking Down Walls

The community of believers form a sacred and holy space. When we understand that the community of faith is a dwelling place for God’s spirit, our differences and disagreements should pale compared to the Eternal living among us.

The Deconstruction Zone

Intense biblical study creates tension. The Bible invites us to sit in that tension, to ask questions, and engage the text. But sometimes the tension becomes so great that it fractures the foundations of your faith. There’s a term for this. Deconstruction.

Does the Old Testament Matter?

While most Christians would probably affirm that the Old Testament is important, have we unconsciously “unhitched” ourselves from it? Historically, when the church has “unhitched” itself from the Old Testament, heresy, anti-Semitism, and un-Godly behavior soon follow.